NLP for People Who Don’t Know How to Relax
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) on 01-02-2014
Tagged Under : NLP coaching London UK, NLP coaching Toronto, NLP finding impossible relax, NLP helps relax, NLP helps relaxation, NLP people can't relax, NLP people find relaxing hard, NLP problematic relaxation, NLP relaxation techniques, NLP trouble relaxing
Many people don’t know how to relax. They’re stuck in or even addicted to living in the fast lane. They live the paradox of wanting to be highly productive all the time to please everyone [at once], yet often achieving the opposite. That’s partly because regularly relaxing is essential for long life, health, and efficiency. Here are 8 NLP techniques for people who don’t know how to relax.
The 7th day is the Lord’s day of rest
1. Work only five or six days a week and completely rest on the seventh day. Every study on this subject confirms that you will be far more productive than if you worked all seven days. Ayurveda has been here for 5 and a half thousand years and longer every day. It also teaches that to know how to relax [even without NLP] is important and inevitable for health, immunity, and longevity.
The most important NLP way how to relax
2. During your time off do not do anything that pertains to work. Let your mind completely rest and do things with your family and friends. Work around the house, do a hobby, exercise, watch a movie, or play with your children. Discipline yourself to completely take the mind off work for at least one 24-hour period every seven days.
Relax on vacation
3. Don’t do any work on vacation. Do not succumb to the temptation to catch up on even a few small things. If you do, you will switch your mind to the work mode and end up neither relaxing nor doing work of quality. And you’ll never give your mental and emotional fields a chance to recharge. You’ll come back as tired as you were when you left.
2 weeks a year
4. Take at least two full weeks off every year during which you do nothing related to work. You can either work or relax. You cannot do both at once. Plus, relaxation inspires new thoughts, broadens the mind, brings bliss and new perspectives. All these factors can make you more successful at work.
Give yourself a daybreak
5. If you are involved in a difficult relationship or emotionally draining professional situation, of course do your best to solve it. And on the way to solving it discipline yourself to take a complete break from it at least one day a week. Do not think about it. Don’t continually discuss it with yourself or others in person, writing, or by phone. You cannot mentally perform at your best if you are emotionally preoccupied with a person or situation. You have to give yourself a break.
Active relaxation is also an option
6. Since change is as good as rest, going for a nice long walk is a wonderful way to relax. As you put the body into motion, your thoughts and feelings will relax all by themselves. Exercise appropriate to your age, physical constitution, ability, and mainly enjoyment does the same thing and neutralises toxins in the body.
Eat the right correctly combined foods in the right amounts at the right times in the right manner
7. The process of digestion consumes an enormous amount of physical energy. Thus if you eat the right foods for your physical constitution, you will feel better and fresher in general. Raw foods are more difficult to digest. Therefore if you eat more cooked and always only compatibly combined foods, your digestive system will require less energy to process them. And drinking a sip of ideally warm water after every 2 mouthfuls of solid food. aids digestion. Quality food = clarity of thought.
Be selective
8. Since what you eat has a tremendous impact on your physical, mental, and emotional energy, the more fastidious you are about what you eat, the better you will feel. And when you feel great, it is easy to be productive, good, loving, and disciplined to relax. There are foods that are and are not good for your body even when the society considers them to be healthy. When, how, how much per meal, and how many times a day you eat is all equally important. The higher the quality of the foods you eat, the more energy you’ll have.
There’re far more NLP ways to help people who don’t know how to relax.
After all, how to points at a capability. Capability is behaviour repeated so many times that it becomes automatic. Behaviour is learned. Would you like to know some? Let’s talk about them.