Fear of presenting can devastate people. Immensely many people fight it meeting by meeting and don’t know where it comes from and why it hits them so much. Every professional person knows someone who has a strong fear of presenting if he himself doesn’t have the fear. All the people who have this fear try to figure out where it comes from and mainly how to overcome it forever. So these NLP ways will definitely help. Read the rest of this entry »
NLP has ways how to get into the zone. If athletes do it, anyone can do it. But many people don’t know how to do it. So NLP techniques tell you how you and any mortal human who isn’t a professional athlete can get into the zone in sports and any activity. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-11-2022
How many times do you see companies and retailers encouraging you – the consumer – to give them feedback? And when you give it, how many times do you see them act on it? Is giving feedback worth your while when it won’t change anything? How do companies and retailers not hear feedback? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-10-2022
NLP for autopilot… Well, if you live on autopilot a lot and have been searching for ways how not to live on it, NLP has ways to help. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-08-2022
What’s the difference between and good impulse and a bad impulse? Many people struggle with telling the difference between a good impulse and a bad impulse when they work on controlling their impulses. And this struggle is the central topic of coaching for some people. So what litmus tests are there that help to tell the difference? Or even differences? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-09-2021
Would you hire a life coach from social media if you were looking for one? If you would, why? If you wouldn’t, why? Does marketing on social media work in this context? Would you trust a stranger who wrote you a marketing message on Facebook or LinkedIn enough to hire him or her? Read the rest of this entry »
Life coaching is immensely difficult to sell to members of the general public who – paradoxically – need it the most. Why? Read the rest of this entry »
Many people looking for a life coach would love to have a famous coach who has coached big personalities. Big names are big names for a reason. Everyone wants them. It’s a virtuous circle of success attracting success. But is it really better to hire a life coach with a big famous name? Or why should it be better to hire an unknown coach? Read the rest of this entry »
How can you use NLP timelines for limiting beliefs? If your beliefs about something are limiting you, why will NLP timelines be an excellent strategy for tackling them? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-06-2019
People often interchange coaching and counselling, but I already wrote about that. This time I’ll clarify the differences between another few types of support. They all help people to change, grow, and evolve at different levels. Hence they are similar and also share overlaps. But how are they different? What are the differences between coaching, guiding, teaching, mentoring, sponsoring, and awakening? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-03-2019
Despite the advice of coaches, fitness, and personal development professionals to push ourselves to achieve more etc. I’ve found that pushing ourselves is not effective for a high number of people. Why? Here’s one NLP perspective on pushing ourselves. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-02-2019
Start acting on your new year’s resolutions? Read on if you live in the northern hemisphere, because while enjoying the height of summer, people in the southern one do not have the issues which this article will discuss! The gist of this article also won’t apply if you’re so strongly motivated and determined to reach your goals that nothing will distract you. But if you could do with more motivation, read on. And get some good coaching! It’s never too late to start acting on your new year’s resolutions. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-01-2019
What can NLP say about new year’s resolutions that has not been said before? As we get past the doorstep of a new year again, how many of us actually become better people with the clock’s strike of 12? Why do new year’s resolutions very rarely last? What can NLP contribute to making new year’s resolutions last? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-12-2018
Why do some people claim that NLP doesn’t work? How come it works for others? What do the people for whom NLP doesn’t work have in common? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-10-2018
How is NLP good for breaking vicious circles? We all know too well how hard beginning to build or getting back into good habits can be. Breaking vicious circles to get into virtuous ones is the hardest thing for many people. That is why many poor or fat people remain poor or fat etc. On the other hand people who have broken the vicious circles and ride the virtuous ones will tell you that the pleasure is a thousand times stronger and longer than the best orgasm… They have broken the vicious circles, which suggests that anyone can. But how? NLP can definitely help. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-09-2018
Surely there’s nothing like too much learning! Learning never stops and we’ll never know everything. So isn’t it the case that the more we learn, the better? Won’t we be better experts in our fields the more courses, trainings, seminars we take? Then why is too much training not good for you? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-07-2018
Why do many people sabotage themselves when they approach the peak of something they’ve been improving, developing, building for a while? How can NLP help stop this self-sabotage and shift us to a higher ground? Read the rest of this entry »
Do guarantees for the success of life coaching exist? Is life coaching guaranteed to help you? Is life coaching a good return on investment?
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-05-2018
Keeping the momentum of life coaching is important. Many clients who start life coaching start skipping the weekly sessions after the first few sessions. Hence they break the momentum of the life coaching process with excuses of other priorities. Why is it important to discipline yourself to keep the momentum of coaching?
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-04-2018
Many coaches offer coaching over 4 – 6 weeks and the possibility to extend it. Coaching in blocks of 3 months is the standard in executive coaching. Now more life coaches jump on the bandwagon by offering 3-month blocks of life coaching. Why does this length of coaching have more value than coaching over 4-6 weeks? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-03-2018
It’s amazing how many people would immensely benefit from coaching, but don’t want to pay for it. They argue that they can’t afford it or wouldn’t want to talk about their problems to a stranger. They think that talking to family members or friends will do the job, because family members or friends know and will understand them. Here’s why your family member or friend will never be your coach and coaches therefore have tremendous value for the society. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-02-2018
Looking for a life coach? Perhaps you are, which is why you’ve come to this article. But then, there’s so much information out there! There’re so many life coaches in Toronto or London UK alone! And there’re so many fields in which all those life coaches specialise… So where do you start when looking for a life coach? And how do you look for a life coach? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-01-2018
NLP, metaphors, health. What’s the connection? Many people say that the older they get, the more slowly their ailments heal, or the worse their health gets. Others say that their injuries never fully healed. How do those people encourage and discourage healing without realizing it? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-11-2017
How to clear your energy with NLP? Why do so many people feel sick and miserably so much of the time? Is it preventable? Can many illnesses be cured with regular clearing of our energy? How can clearing your energy help you be healthier and happier? How can you clear your energy field with NLP? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-09-2017
Why do we relapse just when we’re beginning to do so well? Or just as we get so close to achieving a goal? How do relapses happen? Why do they repeat? What is the message in relapses? And how can anyone use NLP for relapses? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-07-2017
NLP chunking is an excellent tool for negotiation. I wrote about how the NLP technique of chunking is useful for memorizing and remembering in this article. And I also wrote about how NLP chunking helps in dealing with learning difficulties here. But you can use NLP chunking in absolutely any context. Hence how can it help in negotiation?
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-05-2017
If you are one of the people who work with computers or if you work at the computer for long periods of time no matter what your profession, how can NLP help you enjoy the time at the computer and make it healthier? How can you be more productive in a shorter time so that you sit at the computer less? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-03-2017
The inventor of the idea of schools teaching sexual education from early grades thought that it would benefit societies. Teaching NLP in schools would benefit societies too. How? What payback would we all get in the long term if we started teaching NLP in schools? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-11-2016
How can anyone use NLP for making life fulfilling? This is the age of achievement. Never have more people accomplished more things in different fields. More people are becoming successful at a faster rate than ever in history. There have never been more opportunities for you to turn your dreams into reality. Despite this fact there’re always plenty of people whose lives are the opposite of fulfilling. How come? If it was really so hard to make life fulfilling, would there be so many successful people who know how to make their lives fulfilling? Here’re the 7 launching pads of this rocket science… Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-09-2016
How can NLP help with jetlag? How can you and all travellers minimise the effects of jetlag? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-07-2016
How are NLP and numerology different and how do they complement each other? How can they each and together help a person to understand his/her strengths, limitations, health, and more? Why is it good to combine NLP and numerology in coaching? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-05-2016
Time, efficiency, productivity are closely connected. How can NLP help you beautifully harmonize them for maximal efficiency? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-01-2016
Why do most of us hate legal and corporate documents? How can we use NLP to improve all legal and corporate documents? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-11-2015
NLP is an excellent tool for dealing with problems. If you travel by plane, you know that when the plane takes off, the pilot tells the passengers to stay in their seats and buckle the seatbelts. At times the pilot will warn that “We expect turbulence for a few moments, so please stay buckled up.”. When you start any new lifestyle, job, business, or transition, you will experience turbulence. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-09-2015
How does NLP improve memorizing and remembering? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-07-2015
How to use NLP submodalitiesin daily situations was the central theme of coaching a man I worked with. So what are NLP submodalities? And how can you use them in daily situations?
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-05-2015
How can you use NLP for to do lists? And most importantly, how can NLP make you do what you put on to do lists? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-02-2015
Why do arguments tend to escalate and nothing gets resolved anyway? I’ll take you through one of many reasons with NLP. People are different and their differences sometimes show up most strongly in arguments. NLP is a great tool for resolving arguments. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-10-2014
Why do so many people not see that they have a problem? Why won’t they admit that they need help? And why do they seem to be exactly the people who need help the most? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-06-2014
What NLP perspectives are useful for working with dreams and dreaming? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-02-2014
Many people don’t know how to relax. They’re stuck in or even addicted to living in the fast lane. They live the paradox of wanting to be highly productive all the time to please everyone [at once], yet often achieving the opposite. That’s partly because regularly relaxing is essential for long life, health, and efficiency. Here are 8 NLP techniques for people who don’t know how to relax. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-10-2013
Here are NLP tips for solving quarrels, misunderstandings, and problems with communication: Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-06-2013
How can NLP help for dealing with negative experiences? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-02-2013
NLP strategies are valuable for any impulsive behaviour. Why do some people shop till they drop? Because they use the wrong strategies. When you understand the strategies of your (impulsive) behaviour, you will discover the key factors that drive what you do. Then you will be able to choose whether to change your strategies and impulsive behaviour. Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-10-2012
How can NLP help you for professional development? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-06-2012
Why is it a good idea to watch your language around young children? If you are a parent or guardian, this will inspire you. And you will think of this article and watch your language around young children.
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-02-2012
Language is in the heart of NLP and in its very name! NLP means neuro-linguistic programming. Language is the basis of communication of living creatures. Animals have language. If language wasn’t important, would people develop and preserve hundreds of its forms? How are NLP and language connected? And what tricks can an NLP-lay member of the public apply to his/her life?
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-10-2011
Have you ever wondered why you feel tired, slow, lazy, unproductive on some days, and hate yourself because the million things that you should do are sanding still and time flies? Many people have those days. And many feel powerless to do anything about them. Can NLP and states do miracles when we put them to work together? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-06-2011
Why do old habits die hard? Why is it hard to stop smoking, lose weight, etc.? How can anyone use NLP for killing bad and building good habits?
Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-02-2011
Do you often feel that you don’t have time, money, or energy? Or perhaps two or all of them at once? What does it say about how you vote with these three precious resources? How can NLP help you always have enough time, money, and energy? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-10-2010
How can you use confusion to your advantage? And how can you use NLP for confusion? Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-06-2010
The basic principles of NLP are: Read the rest of this entry »
Filed Under (NLP life coaching) by NLP-Life-Coach on 01-02-2010
What are the differences between coaching, counselling therapy, consulting? And how do you know which approach is best for you? Read the rest of this entry »