Do Guarantees for Success of Life Coaching Exist?
Filed Under (NLP coaching learning difficulties, NLP life coaching) on 01-06-2018
Tagged Under : guarantees success NLP coaching, how much success life coaching offers, NLP coaching success guarantee, NLP coaching vs other coaching, NLP success coaching London UK, NLP success coaching Toronto, success life coaching guaranteed
Do guarantees for the success of life coaching exist? Is life coaching guaranteed to help you? Is life coaching a good return on investment?
Those of us living in the highly developed world are part of the instant sure fix society. And many people inevitably soak up the instant sure fix mentality. Albeit there are 100% guarantees in the world of product because a product will either come to its consumer flawless or flawed and if flawed, the consumer can return it for a refund or exchange it for a flawless one, the phenomenon of guarantees in all other areas of life is one of false security. Security is a need that keeps us sane and grounded in the insecure complicated world.
Success of life coaching depends on many factors – guarantees follow if all factors are equal
Life coaching is classified as a service in the world of commerce. Services are among the areas of life where the percentage of success guarantee depends on many factors. The success of your hairstyle is down to your skill to accurately explain your wishes to guarantee that the hairdresser understands them and to the hairdresser’s listening, expertise, commitment, and concentration put into executing your wishes. How a hair colour comes out on your hair is a thing that no hair colour manufacturer can give you 100% success guarantee on, because every hair is different. The colour will colour your hair. But will you consider its shade a success? That’s down to your unique combination of standards and expectations.
Likewise, no manufacturer of medical drugs provides claims of 100% guarantees, because it knows that every organism that will use the drugs is different. Some will react in ways that the manufacturer will classify as side effects. Surgeons always warn before major operations that there’s an x% chance of the operation not being successful. There’re no guarantees in nature, business, relationships, nor eternal longevity of even the healthiest of people.
100% guarantee on the success of life coaching
So my answer is that I give 100% guarantee on my work if the client puts in 100% commitment, discipline, and passion into implementing what s/he learns from coaching. I mentioned the instant sure fix mentality for a reason and now come full circle to it. Many people in today’s society have the attitude that paying a coach to help them achieve some goal = paying the coach to fix the issue so that the paying person doesn’t have to put in effort. That will apply to people who work with inanimate objects, such as a plumber changing a defective part.
But that won’t apply to people who work with processes. If you pay a personal trainer to help you get slimmer and keep slim for the long term, the trainer will tell you that you must exercise, eat, and sleep correctly. If you don’t put in the effort and discipline to act on the trainer’s advice, you won’t achieve the goal. Don’t blame the trainer! Get some good coaching on your weaknesses! In the same way people who expect the coach to do the work for them with the attitude that they’ve paid a lot of money for coaching carve a guarantee of 100% failure! The coach is not there to do anyone’s work for them, nor to fix anyone.
Be clear about the difference
Fixing people is the realm of other professionals. And I’ve even written about them in this article. A coach guides people to fix themselves. If you and any person [such as your child] involved in coaching with you don’t put your full awareness, intention, attention, commitment, and discipline into implementing what you learn, that will be in your and outside any coach’s control. Of course, many people feel better when they can blame their weaknesses on the coach. It helps them cope with the harsh reality that they’re not perfect staring them in the eyes. But why do that? Aren’t you hiring a coach because you want to improve yourself?
Perhaps this is a rich area for getting some good coaching! Wold you like to see if you can reach success?